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Job posting

Teaching Assistants for Summer Camps


RLT’s education department is seeking teaching assistants to support summer camp programming in person this summer. Teaching assistants are an integral part of creating a welcoming and engaging camp experience for RLT students. They support camps by modeling activities, leading warm ups, and supervising students at lunch and snack breaks.

Whether you are a new or experienced teaching assistant with Raleigh Little Theatre, please complete this form for education staff to get to know you, so we can determine the best placements of our paid teaching assistants this summer.

Teaching assistants must be at least 16 years old at time of work to be paid in North Carolina. All teaching assistants must be older than the age range of the camp they are assisting. Paid teaching assistants earn $10/hour and have a half hour lunch break each day.

Form submission deadline: April 1, 2023. Hiring decisions will be made by the end of April 2023.

You can find information about our summer camps on our website.

Please send any questions to Alease Timbers, Education Programs Specialist at Alease@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org.