Dark Comedy
Perfect Arrangement
It’s 1950, and new colors are being added to the Red Scare. Two U.S. State Department employees, Bob and Norma, have been tasked with identifying sexual deviants within their ranks. There’s just one problem: both Bob and Norma are gay, and have married each other’s partners as a carefully constructed cover-up.
Inspired by the true story of the earliest stirrings of the American Gay Rights Movement, madcap classic sitcom-style laughs give way to provocative drama as two “All-American” couples are forced to stare down the closet door.
By Topher Payne
Directed by Patrick Torres
Episode #1: In the first episode of our podcast series supporting our production of Perfect Arrangement, Artistic Director Patrick Torres speaks with playwright Topher Payne about his inspiration for the show and why he is happy for it to be performed in North Carolina. (22:36 duration)
Episode #2: In this installment, Patrick Torres speaks with James Miller, Executive Director of the LGBT Center of Raleigh, about how plays like Perfect Arrangement help tell the stories of the LGBT experience. (21:31 duration)
Episode #3: In this episode, Patrick Torres speaks with Christopher Brook, Legal Director of the ACLU of North Carolina. They talk about how discrimination against the LGBTQ community manifests itself today and how we can all fight against it. This episode also features two surprise guests! (31:13 duration)
The Thursday, November 9 performance is sponsored by Village Hearth Cohousing.
Screening of “The Lavender Scare” – October 23
See the documentary film based on the same source material that inspired Perfect Arrangement on Monday, October 23 at 7:30pm. At NCSU’s Hunt Library. Details on the event page.

Sarah Gillooly
Post Show Discussion – Thursday, November 2
Sarah Gillooly of the ACLU-North Carolina will join us for a Post-Show Discussion about her work and the importance of social justice. Sarah Gillooly is Policy Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina, where she oversees the organization’s policy, legislative, and organizing agenda.
Post-Show Forum – October 29
Join us on the first Sunday of Perfect Arrangement (October 29) and during every City Series production for an interactive conversation. This discussion model is designed for personal reflection and exploration of the themes and tensions in each play. Audience members can engage in conversation with the actors in character following the performance to enhance the theatre-going experience.
Ticket Information
Tickets available now. Buy them online or from the box office at 919-821-3111. Group sales will also be available from the box office.
Seating is Reserved Seating.
Perfect Arrangement is part of the RLT City Series.
Show times:
- Thursdays-Saturdays at 8:00pm
- Sundays at 3:00pm
Ticket prices (including taxes):
- Adults: $25
- Students/Seniors: $21
- First Sunday Performance: $15 for all
Seniors are age 62 and up. Students are through college.
Cast List
- Bob
- Paul S. James
- Millie
- Lauren Knott
- Jim
- Benoit Sabourin
- Norma
- Amelia Sciandra
- Ted
- Jim O’Brien
- Kitty
- Melanie Simmons
- Barbara
- Christine Rogers
Accessibility Information
All performances are wheelchair accessible.
Assistive listening devices are available for all performances. A hearing loop has also been installed in the Cantey V. Sutton Theatre.
Audio description for those with visual disabilities is provided by Arts Access. The Sunday, November 5, performance at 3pm will be described.