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Classes and Camps

RLT Education: In-Person Class & Camp Procedures


With the return to in-person classes at Raleigh Little Theatre, we want to share some details regarding what the procedures will look like before, during, and after classes. Please see below for more information and click here to learn about our current class and camp offerings.

Before Class or Camp

  • Please review the list of questions below to ensure your student is well enough to attend their program. If the answer is yes to any of the following, we ask that you do not come to class or camp. Please email Education@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org to let us know if your student will be absent. 
    • Is your temperature currently 100.0F or above?
    • Do you have unexplained chills?
    • Are you experiencing any shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
    • Are you experiencing a new or persistent cough?
    • Do you have a new loss of taste or smell?
    • Do you have a sore throat?
    • Are you experiencing nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea?
    • Are you experiencing unexplained fatigue?
    • Are you experiencing unexplained body aches?
    • Do you have unexplained sinus/nasal congestion?
    • Within the past 14 days, have you been within six feet for more than 15 minutes of someone presumed to have COVID-19, or someone with an active COVID-19 diagnosis?
    • Within the past 14 days, have you traveled internationally?
    • Have you recently attended a mass gathering?

Mask Policy

  • Starting September 2022, masks will be optional for students, teaching artists, and teaching assistants for both indoor and outdoor classes. Masks will remain optional unless COVID-19 case numbers rise to put Wake County in the red (high) level, as defined by the CDC. Staff will monitor CDC Community Levels and if at any point the CDC Community Level for Wake County is red (high), masks will be required indoors (and will be provided as applicable) and remain required until the Community Level drops to medium or low. This means classes may begin with masks optional, but then require masks if the Wake County Community Level changes to high. Students, teaching artists, and teaching assistants will be notified upon arrival if masks are required. Regardless of mask requirements, our typical refund policy still applies.

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

  • COVID-19 vaccinations are required for RLT teaching artists, teaching assistants and staff.
  • Vaccinations are not required for school year youth or adult classes.

Any questions? Please contact Education@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org if you have any additional questions about our in-person class procedures. For a complete guide to RLT’s COVID-19 reopening procedures, click here