
Divas! ’19 Spotlight: Dee Penven-Crew


On May 4th, 2019, Dee Penven-Crew was crowned RLT’s winning Diva, raising a record-breaking total of $20,036 to benefit Raleigh Little Theatre! It was truly a fabulous and historic night. We caught up with Dee to learn more about how she first discovered RLT, her 40 years of dedication and involvement, and her advice to future Divas!

Dee Penven-Crew in Divas! 2019

“In 1979, when you needed a job, you looked through the Want Ads in the local paper. I needed a job after moving to Raleigh, so there I sat at my parent’s kitchen table with the Sunday paper circling prospects when my heart began to pound. Could it be? A job at the local theatre! I determined right then and there that the job would be mine, and it was. I worked in the business and box offices for 10 years before marriage and childbirth put me in the market for a job with affordable healthcare. But I never totally left the theatre…

Dee Penven-Crew in Divas! 2019

“I’d become involved on-stage and off; acting, singing, and dancing my way through many a show. Building costumes, dressing actors, painting and striking sets, gathering props, corralling mouse/ponies, house-managing, ushering, selling concessions… you name it, and I’ve likely done it at some point. Having volunteered for the biannual costume sale a few times, I was asked for the last 4 cycles, to organize and manage that sale. I’ve served on the Play Reading Committee several times and was on the Board of Directors for a number of years. I was even married in the Rose Garden behind RLT and held my reception inside because of a steady rain that began as we raced down the aisle.

Dee Penven-Crew in Divas! 2019

“And now I am the reigning Raleigh Little Theatre Diva! In order to win this title, I raised over $20,000. It gives me great pride and pleasure to have been able to raise so much for the theatre that has never failed to be there in my life. If you’ve read this far, Divas comes around once every year. Next year, choose a Diva to support. Donate generously and often. Because I’ll bet the theatre has given you many moments of joy and fulfillment too. Until a new Diva gets the crown, I’ll proudly represent RLT wearing mine. Happy 2019-2020 season, ya’ll!!”

– Dee Penven-Crew

Dee Penven-Crew and the 2019 Divas

Photos by Carrie Santiago