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Audition Information / Announcements

Auditions: In the Heights


Raleigh Little Theatre is seeking performers for its upcoming production of In the Heights. This show will be presented in the Cantey V. Sutton Theatre.

Para obtener información sobre la audición en español, haga clic aquí.

For the safety of volunteers, staff, and students, all performers and crew members for the production of In the Heights must show proof of vaccination in order to participate. Other safety measures include: a mask requirement inside the building, a fully vaccinated staff, and an ongoing commitment to reduced class, crew, and audience sizes. RLT remains committed to prioritizing the health and safety of everyone who is working inside our facility and our community. You will be required to show proof of vaccination at the auditions. Special exemptions can be made for anyone with a medical condition that prevents them from receiving the vaccine.

About the Show

In the Heights tells the universal story of a vibrant community in New York’s Washington Heights neighborhood – a place where the coffee from the corner bodega is light and sweet, the windows are always open and the breeze carries the rhythm of three generations of music. It’s a community on the brink of change, full of hopes, dreams and pressures, where the biggest struggles can be deciding which traditions you take with you, and which ones you leave behind.

Important Dates

Optional virtual audition workshop: Saturday, January 22nd @ 1pm – Watch a recording of the workshop here!
February 7th and 8th, 2022 @ 7pm in the Gaddy-Goodwin Teaching Theatre
Callbacks: Saturday, February 12th @ 1pm in the Cantey V. Sutton Theatre
Rehearsals: Rehearsals will begin on Monday, April 11th, 2022
Tech rehearsals: May 28th through June 2nd, 2022
Performances: June 3rd – June 26th, 2022

Questions about auditions? Contact Patrick Torres: Patrick@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org.

About the Roles

Raleigh Little Theatre encourages actors of any ethnicity, identity, ability, etc. to audition for any role. If the script requires strict adherence to any characteristic(s), those will be listed in the character description. For this production, performers must be 18+.

If you need any specific accommodations to audition, please contact Artistic Director, Patrick Torres, to make your request. Examples of accommodations made in the past are: wheelchair accessible audition space, large print materials, prompters in the audition room, volunteers to help fill out forms, and auditions by appointment. All choreography for the audition and the production will be designed to include actors of all abilities.

USNAVI DE LA VEGA (20‐30, Hispanic – Male Presenting) Dominican owner of De La Vega convenience store. He is charismatic with a tremendous heart. Must have a tremendous facility with Narrative Rap. High Baritone/Tenor.

SONNY (20‐30, Hispanic – Male Presenting) An extremely intelligent young man who strives to emulate his cousin, Usnavi. Must have a strong facility with rap. Tenor.

NINA ROSARIO (20‐30, Hispanic – Female Presenting) Fresh, smart college student. Brave and strong Puerto Rican, but has to tell her parents that she quit school months ago. Emotional and conflicted, but still the “star” of the neighborhood. Soprano High Belter

VANESSA (20‐30, Hispanic – Female Presenting) A stylist at the local salon, she wishes to get out of the neighborhood and into something better. Tired of all the whistles and catcalls, looking for a true love. Mezzo Soprano/ High Belter

BENNY (20‐30, Black – Male Presenting) Works at the Rosario Taxi dispatch. He is ambitious and full of big dreams. Handsome, bright, and harbors a crush on the “boss’ daughter.” Must have a strong facility with rap. Tenor

ABUELA CLAUDIA (50-70, Hispanic – Female Presenting) Sweet, caring, and supportive Cuban matriarch of the neighborhood. Takes care of all the young people, and regularly plays the lottery. A wise character with strength, passion, and a long memory. Alto Belter

KEVIN ROSARIO (40‐50, Hispanic – Male Presenting) Puerto Rican owner of Rosario Car and Limousine – a taxi dispatch company he runs with his wife, Camila. He is Nina’s hard working and loving father but can also be stubborn and hot tempered. Baritone

CAMILA ROSARIO (40‐50, Hispanic – Female Presenting) Co-owner of Rosario Car and LImousine. She takes care of the bills and business. She is a dynamic woman with a powerful voice. Mezzo Soprano Belter

DANIELA (35‐50, Hispanic – Female Presenting) Owner of the local hair and nail salon. Loves to gossip, has a tough exterior, and enjoys being “The Boss”. Alto Belter

CARLA (20‐30, Hispanic – Female Presenting) Bubbly, funny, side‐kick to Daniela. Very sweet and religious. She is a supportive friend to the salon trio. Soprano

GRAFFITI PETE (20‐30, Any ethnicity – Male Presenting) Young graffiti artist of the neighborhood. Slightly shady, but with a good heart. He doesn’t see his “art” as a bad thing, wants to make a difference while making a living. Must have a strong facility with rap and hip-hop dance.

PIRAGUA GUY (30‐50, Hispanic – Male Presenting) Sells shaved ice from a cart, has a soaring tenor voice, and bears witness to the lives of the community. Tenor

PEOPLE OF WASHINGTON HEIGHTS (20‐50, Hispanic, Black, Asian, White – any gender presentation) Interesting, diverse and well‐rounded people of the community. All shapes and sizes. As important as any of the principals, these people have stories of their own.

About the Auditions

Please prepare 16 to 32 bars of a song in the style of or from the show. All those auditioning should bring sheet music in the correct key – an accompanist will be provided. Song choices that show off a facility with rap are encouraged for performers interested in the roles of Usnavi, Sonny, and Benny.

Please fill out the conflict calendar and audition forms below and bring them with you to your audition. If you are unable to complete them prior to your audition, hard copies will be available on your audition night.

If you have never auditioned before or are interested in learning more about the audition, casting, rehearsal, and production process, a free virtual audition workshop will be held the afternoon of January 22 from 1pm to 2:30pm over Zoom. The workshop is open to actors, singers, and dancers of all experience levels, including beginners. UPDATE: Watch a recording of the workshop here!

For any questions regarding the auditions please contact Artistic Director, Patrick Torres at Patrick@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org.