RLT Contributing Members
1936 Legacy Society
Velvet Rattelade
Clifford & Janet Raynor
Leigh Ann Wilder and John B. Holding
Donald and Bonita Scott
David and Judi Wilkinson
Raleigh Little Theatre is grateful to the following individuals, companies and private and public funding agencies that have invested in live, community theatre and arts education. This list reflects gifts to the general needs of the theatre of $100 or more between August 1, 2020 – August 1, 2021.
Corporate Partners
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
Capital Balloon Studios
Capitol Broadcasting Company/WRAL-TV5
Cleveland School Animal Hospital
Coastal Federal Credit Union
Favor Desserts
Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines
Hillsborough Street Community Services Corporation
IBM Employees Services
in situ studio
Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
Media Partners Inc.
Medlin-Davis Cleaners
Mitchell’s Catering and Events
Morningstar Law Group
Newtons Fire and Safety Equipment
North State Bank
Pierce Group Benefits, LLC
PNC Bank
Poole’s Garage and Tire Service, Inc
Raleigh Brewing Company
Raleigh Reclaimed
SAS Institute Inc.
Sergio’s Pizza Inc
Stonegate Financial
The English Garden
Theatre Consultants Collaborative, Inc.
Thomas, Judy and Tucker P.A.
Trident Provisions
Women’s Birth and Wellness Center
Wyrick Robbins Yates and Ponton LLP
Yardi Systems
Foundation and Government Partners
Alpenglow Foundation
Bell Family Foundation
Charles W. Gaddy and Lucy Finch Gaddy Endowment Fund, a component fund of the North Carolina Community Foundation
City of Raleigh Arts Commission
IM Maurer Family Foundation. INC
Julia and Frank Daniels, Jr. Endowment Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
John William Pope Foundation
North Carolina Arts Council
North Carolina Community Foundation
The Stewhead Family Fund
The W. Trent Ragland Foundation
United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County
Alec and Georgia Donaldson^
Cece and Peter Scott
Chancy and Keith Kapp
Ed and Fran Anderson
Herbert Huene
Jan and Jim Robles
Jim and Cantey Tanner
Mark and Lisa Hoskins*
Mike and Maggie McGee*^
Peter and Nancy Watkins Dimitrios*
Phyllis Parish and Seab Howard
Rick LaBach
Rob and Linda Grew
Rosemary and Smedes York
Ruth Bromer and Joseph Huberman Charitable Fund/North Carolina Community Foundation
Scott Falmlen and Paul Fox
Shelley Crisp
Tana Shehan^
The Warner Fund
Velvet Rattleade
Vicki and Charles Phaneuf
Amy and John Bason
Catherine V. Lambe
Chris Brown
Chuck Re Corr
Clifford and Janet Raynor
Daniel Hall
David and Devon Bennett^
David and Judi Wilkinson
David and Carol Carlson
David Wilk
David, Elaine and Alyssa Petrone*
Debra Schafrath
Eve and Sherwood Smith
Gg Harris Household
Greg and Jenny Anglum
Heather and Aaron Strickland^
Jean Gross and Don Miller
Julia Truelove^
Kathy Mauney^
Marion Johnson Church
Michael and Lisa Sandman
Natasha Gore
Neil and Mary Saunders
Pam Swanstrom
Steve and Lisa Zaytoun
Terence and Linda Fitz-Simons
Tim McKay
Tucker Bullock
Adrienne Kelly-Lumpkin
Alan Hymowitz and Olivia Fried
Amber and Jason Garcowski
Angela and Barry Spain
Barbara Biggs
Becky and Peggy Johnston^
Brian Westbrook
Capital City Civitan Club
Carole and Brad Wilson
Catherine Williams
Clifton Cates
Daniel Facilla
David and Christy Connell
Debra Robbins
Donald Reynolds
Dr. Thomas and Monica Cooke
Eleanor Oakley
Floyd Family Foundation
Freyja and Magnus Sindemark
Gail G. Smith
Haywood Huntley
Jo Ellen and Jim Kalat
Judge Burley and Mary Lou Mitchell
Judith and Larry Wilson
Kathleen Burkett
Kathleen Curie Hall
Kathy Lagana and John Gerwin
Katie Kelley*
Lauren Knott
Link by Link
Lisa Williamson
Lynn and Franklin Freeman
Melvin and Priscilla Williams
Nancy and Terry Brenneman
Natalie Turgeon
Nicole Rogers
Penven-Crew Household
Rick LaBach
Rick McElroy
Robert and Shirley Abernethy^
Roland Batten
Sam and Karen Spilman*
Sam Kirby
Sejal and Jay Chaudhuri
Stephen and Ann-Marie Gerney*^
Steven Epstein
Stuart and Jill Byham^
Wyatt Booth
Aliana Ramos
Amy Blackwell^
Anthony Tompkins
Avcon, Inc
Barbara Witherwax
Barney Weaver
Bentley Andrews
Betsy Bates^
Beverley Clark
Blaire Callaghan
Braydon Roberge
Bret Hackford
Brett Yates
Byron Butterworth Household
Charlie Moore
Cheryl and Joe Wolozyn
Claire Huene
Cynthia Cobb
Danielle Taylor Household
Dell and George Paschal
Dena and Charles Silver
Douglas Richmond
Elizabeth Droessler
Emily and Christopher James
Emily M Turgeon
Erika Grams
Frank and Betsy King
Fred Westbrook
Gene Cordon
Greg Toft
Guynn Prince
Heather Owen
In Memory of Grace S. Block
Jacobi Daley
James Cobb
Jan and Jim Robles
Jane Kline
Jane Long
Janice Laurore^
Jeff and Julie Brooks*^
Jeff and Leanna Thompson
Jeff Kochuk
Jerry Worsley
Jim Allen and Timothy Locklear
John Riedy
Joshua Nolan
Joyce Rothchild^
Karen Morgan Williams
Katy Trippe
Ken and Barbara O?Herron
Kimberly Wood
Lane Miller Household
Lee Baker and Pete Wood
Leon and Staci Sabarsky
Leslie Ann Jackson
Linda Wellnitz
Mary Rowland^
Meredith Howland
Patricia Revels
Peggy Fain
Raleigh Green Gables
Rebecca Easley^
Richard and Ann Bell
Rick and Jeanette Jackson^
Rob Maddrey and Mark Tulbert
Robert Tomsick
Ruth Freeman
Ruth Gross and Hans Kellner
Samantha Heck
Samuel Wyrick
Sandra Deutsch Crane^
Sarah Preston
Suzanne Ruggles
Terrance Woodyard Household
Terri Tompkins
Terry Haggerty^
Thomas O’Donnell
Vicki and Charles Phaneuf
Vincent Moss
William Thompson
Abigail Jordan
Ali Greiner
Allen Reep
Allison Dahle Household
Allison Lehman
Amy Flynn and Phil Crone
Amy Hellmers
Andrew Banks
Ann Beal^
Ann Beale
Ann Hackford
Ann Haigler
Anne Porter and Neal Sasser
Anne Ray
Barbara Leahy
Becky Beaty
Benji and Gene Jones^
Benji Jones
Berry Household
Beth Bordeaux
Betsy Castle
Betty Utley
Bill and Sandra Boyd
Blair Wall Smallman
Cardinal Gibbons High
Carol DeVita
Carole Clemo
Caroline Donaldson
Carolyn Anderson
Caryn Smith Household
Casey Davis
Catherine Stambaugh
Charles J. Phaneuf
Christine and Charles Wagner
Cynthia and Austin Edwards^
Cynthia Lochbaum
Cynthia Rawles
Cynthia Stephens
Dan Bain
Daniel Wilson Household
Danielle Cooperstein
Darby Madewell
Daryl Carliles
Dave Sniffin
David and Norma Zendels
David Oberst
Dawn Burtt
Deborah Nelson
Derreth and John Kavanagh
Don Ball
Donna Strickland
Dorothea Bitler
Douglas Hardy
Dr. Fred Sanborn
Dustin Babin
Edelyn Parker-Frye
Edward Pierson
Eileen Proctor
Eli and Barbara Dechter
Elizabeth Brody
Elizabeth Hoke
Elizabeth King
Elizabeth McCoy
Ephraim Firdyiwek
Esther Hall
Frankie Scanlon
Gail Hutchison
Gale Nichols
George Huntley
George McNeill
Gerald Pottern
Gerda G. Hurow
Gil and Mel Pena
Grant and Lucinda Gainey^
Heather Carithers
Helaine Turek
Helen Hagan
Henry Baggett Household
Henry Panlibuton
Howard Smith-Hudson
Ivy Hill
J. Paumier and M. Gumpertz
James Spencer
Jane and R Daniel Brady
Jane M. Allen
Janet Stormes
Jason Myers
Jeffrey Hooper
Jenniferq Varahala
Jesse R. Gephart
Jessica Griffin
Jill Kaselitz Household
Joan Pia
Joanne Fruth
John and Mary-Benton Gordon
John Adams
John Coggin
John Connell
Joy Walter
Joye Groff
Judith and Lanford Peck
Judith Presser
Julie Florin
Julie Nash
Julie Tomlin and Phil Lewis
Justin Cambra
Karen Davis
Karyn Harrell^
Katherine Goodwin
Kay and Lynda Mowery*
Kenneth White
Kirk Smith
Kirsten Gates
Kristin Walker
LaToya Smith
Laura Parker
Lee Anne Lequick
Leslie Alger
Linda and Mike Rafferty
Linnea Westbrook
Lorna Knick
Lucie and Paxton Badham
Lyman Collins and Donald Davis
Lynn Vogel
Marcella McCord
Margaret Knutson
Margaret Madewell
Margaret Rand
Margaret V. Simone
Marilyn Turgeon
Mark Dearry
Marshall James
Martha Keravuori
Mary Newcomb
Matt and Cindy Schaffer^
Matt Bullard
Maura Higgins
Max Poston
Melvin Woodland and James Merrill^
Michael Blanchette
Michael Connell
Michelle Cerniauskas Household
Mike Piscitelli
Neil Ard
Nikki Floyd
Noel MacDuffie Household
Olivia Skye Parker
Pam Martin
Patricia Madden-Renouard
Patricia Roberts
Patrick and Melissa Hancock
Patrick Torres
Paula Andrews
Penny Amato and Bernard Eckhardt
Pete and Mary Catharine Eberhart
Peter and Barbara Nickel
Peter and Irene Marudas
Phillip Smith
Ralph Ashworth
Randy and Chris Thomson^
Rebecca Crosson
Rhonda Irwin
Robby Jessup
Robert and Katherine Angier*
Robin McElroy Household
Ron and Aleta Ash
Ronald Sinzdak
Rose and Paul Higgins
Roy and Kristin Cooper
Russell Brownell
Samina Aziz
Sandra Watson
Scott Grissom
Shana Fisher
Snehal Vakani
Stephanie and Glen Toney^
Stephen Wall
Susan and Joseph Stimmel
Susan and Leonard Mygatt
Susan Locke
Susan Safran
Susan Sennert
Susan Setzer
Suzy Purrington
Tama Coleman
Teresa Heath
Terry Crawford
Thomasina O’Neal
Tim Cherry
Timur Gergiia
Tina and Lee Clyburn
Tom and Peggy Eifler*
Warren and Judy Keyes^
William Gilkeson
William Haverland and Thomas Saunders
In Honor of…
Amelia Purse
Ann Maurer
Aurora Strickland
Becky J
Benji Taylor Jones
Charles Phaneuf
Fairley Bell Cook and Victor E. Bell Jr.
Freyja Helmer-Sindemark
Georgia Donaldson
Hannah Smith
Heather Stickland
Judi Wilkinson
L. E. Miller
Leah Bason
Lynn & Franklin Freeman
Maddie Behrens
Madeline Cooke
Megan Riley’s bridesmaids
Patrick Torres
Premier Studio of Dance in Cary NC
In Memory of…
Cantey Sutton
Claire L. Stone
Dennis Rogers
Dr. Jack Porter
Harold Blair Wall
Haskell Fitz-Simons
Helen Crisp
Jim Bates
John S. Irwin
Liz and Bob Dean
Paul Bamford
Sharon Pigott LaBach
Sheila Denn
Steven F. Techet
Sue Tucker Briggs
*These patrons support RLT and their employers generously match their gifts.
^These patrons are RLT Sustainers and support RLT with automatic recurring donations.
For more information about investing in RLT, contact Heather Strickland by email at Heather@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org or via telephone at 919-821-4579 x 230.