
Experience and skills necessary

During rehearsals

Where to find crew members

Develop a schedule

Before you begin, confirm how many crew members you’ll need for each show.

If there are back-to-back shows (eg a 2pm and a 5pm show), ask if they can work both shows (the benefit is that they will be fed (free food) in the break between the shows, typically in the Green Room)

Some crew members may only be able to work certain nights and certain numbers of nights. Other members are happy to work any nights or any number of nights. Try to accomodate both of these – don’t over-extend those that don’t or can’t, and don’t under-extend those that want to “get into it”. Worst case is that they become disillusioned and won’t come back.

Some pointers:

Tech Saturday and Tech Week

Tech Saturday is the Saturday before the show opens.

During the Run of the Show

Props may get lost or damaged during or before a show. If this occurs, the Prop Master needs to be contacted to address the problem. To insure this happens, make sure that your crew knows that they need to get this information to the SM directly or via the ASM ASAP. Your crew should also be directed to contact you if a problem occurs.

At Strike

You should attend strike to help put all the props away.

Once the run has completed, it is the Props Master’s responsibility to ensure that all props used in a production are returned to the appropriate place (props room, cupboard, the warehouse, or thrown away). However, the Props Master may ask you to organize this activity (and get others to help). You should check the Props Master to find out what needs done and by whom.

As to who you can ask to help you strike the props, get the props crew to help (those that are there to help), but your best source of helpers may be the actors. It might be wise to check with the technical director (who basically runs the entire strike) if it is OK to have the actors help you).

Hints & Tips

Additional hints & tips about being a Props Crew Chief: