
RLT offers camps at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre in Wake Forest:

2405 Brooks St
Wake Forest, NC 27587

Registration for Wake Forest camps opens March 1.

Click here to Register!

Create-a-Play: The Day the Crayons Quit ** CANCELLED **

Rising 1st-3rd grade
June 22-26, 9am-4pm
Tuition: $285

Using source material from books and their own imaginations, students create, explore and perform an original play or plays created collaboratively with fellow campers. Full day weeks include daily classes in movement, creative drama, and basic acting skills. Students also create art projects that relating to the week’s theme to support their storytelling. Half day experiences focus on creative drama, playbuilding and basic acting skills.

Create-a-Play: The Lorax

Rising 1st-3rd grade
July 6-10, 9am-4pm
Tuition: $285

Using source material from books and their own imaginations, students create, explore and perform an original play or plays created collaboratively with fellow campers. Full day weeks include daily classes in movement, creative drama, and basic acting skills. Students also create art projects that relating to the week’s theme to support their storytelling. Half day experiences focus on creative drama, playbuilding and basic acting skills.

Scriptworks: The Wizard of Oz ** CANCELLED **

Rising 4th-6th grade
June 22-26, 9am-4pm
Tuition: $285

Students develop essential acting skills including characterization, vocal projection, blocking, working collaboratively and memorizing lines while working on age-relevant scenes from published plays. On the last day of camp, students perform their scenes for family and friends.

Playtime: Dragons Love Tacos

Age 4-Rising K
July 6-10, 9am-12pm
Tuition: $175

A half-day camp exploring stories through creative drama, art and movement. Each week students discover stories and characters in a different theme. Through their drama exploration, students also practice listening skills, working together, story sequencing and build social skills. At the end of the week, the class shares a favorite story from the week for family and friends.