RLT's 2025-2026 season has been announced! →

Have RLT’s professional teaching artists come to your classroom and activate your curriculum with drama and theatre experiences that engage students in an innovative and dynamic way!

Our Residencies

Stories Alive: 1-Day Residency

Grades: K-3
Number of sessions: 1
Cost: $150 per class, up to 5 classes

Students will engage the actor’s tools of body, voice and imagination to explore elements of storytelling including plot, character and dialogue. We encourage use of a story in your curriculum so that we can develop artistically on what students are already learning, or we can bring a new story to learn and engage with! This residency focuses on the key elements of storytelling, as well as ensemble building as a classroom.

NC Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.3
NC Essential Standards: Theatre Arts C.1.1, C.1.2

Literacy Through Drama: 2-Day Residency

Grades: K-3
Number of sessions: 2
Cost: $300 per class, up to 5 classes

This two day residency uses theatre exercises to promote excitement about reading and improve literacy skills. Theatre strategies can increase comprehension, enjoyment, and confidence in emerging readers. After participants are introduced to the elements of story like plot, setting, and characters, they will engage dramatically with the story by becoming the characters and reenacting scenes. Through these experiences, students gain a better understanding of the story and create a personal connection to it. The story book utilized will be chosen according to the grade level.

NC Essential Standards: 
English Language Arts Anchors 2, 3, 6, 7
Theatre Arts C.1.1, C.1.2, C.2.2, A.1.1

Stories Alive for ALL!: 1-Day Residency

Number of sessions: 1
Cost: $150 per class, up to 5 classes

Students of all abilities will participate in theatre exercises and create a dramatic story using the tools of an actor including body, voice, and imagination. Specific story requests may be submitted at the time of booking or a suggested list can be provided. This program is available as a one-time workshop or, since repeat visits can provide students additional time to develop comfort and confidence in drama classes.

NC Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.3
NC Essential Standards: Theatre Arts C.1.1, C.1.2

Note: Funding is available for this residency through the United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County Artists in Schools Program.

“Arts integration provides so many opportunities for students to work through their learning in unique ways. I love seeing the confidence it brings and the connections integration allows them to make. Many of the ELA standards explored this week were ones many students have struggled with this year. I really feel like it helped strengthen their understanding significantly.” – 3rd grade teacher in Wake County Public Schools

Book A Residency

To book a residency in your classroom, please fill out the form linked here.

If you have any questions, contact Education@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org.
919-821-4579 x 231