“Cinderella” community survey

Survey update, 8/23/21:
Thank you to everyone who contributed their thoughts to our Cinderella community survey back in March. We do plan on presenting Cinderella this holiday season, but we feel it is important to address the results of the survey before tickets go on sale in October. We will host two virtual meetings over Zoom to let you know what motivated the survey, discuss the results, and talk about the future. If you would like to participate, please register below:
RLT Cinderella Survey Update Meetings
- Monday, August 30, at 5:30pm
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvd-qpqTgoGd3HBnNc4aTXwrnDDAt10k0-
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. - Tuesday, August 31, at 5:30pm
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqduuopz8jH9I5R-MUiDMC3VVR6LMawz1C
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The same information will be shared at both meetings, so you do not have to register for both if you’d like to be involved in the conversation. Thank you again, and we hope you can join!
Original post from 3/11/21:
Raleigh Little Theatre was presented with a variety of challenges in 2020 as we had to cancel so much of our programming and pivot towards new ways of presenting theatre. The space created during the year also gave us the opportunity to reflect on our values as a community theatre, our programming, and how we can center our volunteers and community more intentionally in our work.
We are writing today to let you know we need your help with an important conversation about one of our longest lasting traditions – our annual production of Cinderella.
Cinderella has been a holiday staple for us as an organization and for our community. It is a marker of our identity and a great example of our community working together to create a little theatre magic.
But, the side of Cinderella that is not so public is the significant number of emails and phone calls received every year from community members who are angry with or hurt by our production. This feedback suggests the show as presented is not reflective of RLT’s values and does not fit in with our other programming choices.
We also hear from many community members about how much they value the production. So, it is time for us to enter into a community dialogue about Cinderella. We want to hear your honest thoughts about the production and work together to determine the best path forward.
We have created a survey to capture your thoughts and perceptions about the show. Please click here to complete the survey by March 28th.
Based on the feedback we receive in this survey, the RLT team will determine the subsequent steps needed in the process.
RLT has deep gratitude for all the years our fantastic community of volunteers have dedicated to this show and to the audience members that excitedly fill the Sutton Theatre year after year. This conversation and process will not compromise all of the hours spent dancing, singing, laughing, and sneezing to fill our holidays with magic. Rather, this conversation honors that the best traditions are the ones that continue to adapt and respond in order to keep having a meaningful impact on the lives of our community.
We look forward to reading your responses to the survey – thank you in advance for taking the time to complete it. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Patrick@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org and/or Heather@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org, but we do encourage you to express your thoughts in the survey, as it is critical to record all opinions in the document because it will guide all future conversations and actions.
Thank you,
Patrick Torres
Artistic Director
Heather J. Strickland
Executive Director