Audition Information / Announcements
Cast list: Junie B. Jones, The Musical!

The following people have been cast in Junie B. Jones, The Musical!
Junie B. Jones: Jenna Davenport
Lucille: Callie Colvard
Herb: Matthew Bain
May: Laura Lillian Baggett
Sheldon: David Mills
Camille: Claire Fellows
Chenille: Leah Bason
Grace: Maddie Behrens
Bobbie Jean Piper: Britney Duong
Jose: Alex Lewis
Lennie: Noah Zimmermann
Mr. Scary: Dan Bain
Daddy: Troy Jelley
Mother: Paula Andrews
Mrs. Gutzman: Rylee Davis
First rehearsal is tonight (Tuesday 12/18) at 6:30pm. Please enter through the Stage Door, which is around the back of the building by the Rose Garden. You may park in the Staff lot if there is space, otherwise park on the street or in the main parking lot. Your first stop will be the Costume Shop for measurements – once inside the stage door, look for the signs to the Costume Shop. Once you are finished in the Costume Shop, go to the Studio where we will have our first music rehearsal. Rehearsal tonight will finish at 9:00pm.
Thank you for everyone who auditioned! It was a very difficult decision, as there were extremely talented people! I could have cast it many ways. Please check out our auditions web page regarding auditions for our production of Three Little Birds (to be posted this week) as well as our Teens On Stage Conservatory program over the summer break (info coming in January).