RLT's business office and box office will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day. →
Audition Information / Announcements

Cast list: Blood Wedding


Thank you all so much for coming out to audition for Blood Wedding. The talent was very high and the decisions were hard to make.

Congratulations to those who are cast. For those who were not – please come and audition at RLT again! We would love to get a chance to work with you in the future. We appreciate everyone’s time and wish you the best!

Deb Teitelbaum

Chase Condrone

Denise Sepic

Simon Kaplan

Aysia Slade

Debbie Litwak-Kling

Daniel C-M Ryder

Mary Elizabeth Baumgarten

Mother in law
Ruthie Martinez

Beggar Woman/Death
Carol Machuca

Zoe Barham

Brynna Rosenberg
Savannah Lange
Danielle Santos
Skye Pham
Jarred Pearce
Michael Bradley Lamont
Ariel Penland

For those actors in the cast:

  • Please email Patrick Torres – patrick@nullraleighlittletheatre.org – to officially accept your role.
  • The first rehearsal will be Monday, November 28th. Please arrive at 6:30 PM for Costume Measurements. Rehearsal will begin at 7:00 PM.
  • Be on the lookout for an email from Stage Manager, Elaine Petrone, between November 26 – 27 for information needed prior to first rehearsal.

If you did not get cast but would like to volunteer to work on crew for the show, please email Cari@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org to express your interest. Additionally, if you face financial barriers related to transportation to the theatre, please check out our Volunteer Access Fund pilot program.