RLT's 2025-2026 season has been announced! →

Black Lives Matter.


Black lives, Black voices, and Black stories matter. We stand in solidarity with our community and condemn a system that provides privilege to some and is unjust to others.

Raleigh Little Theatre seeks to do better and to do more, as we have not always gotten it right and have not done enough. We commit to listening, learning, and holding space for members of our community to grieve, be sad, be angry, and, as always, to tell your story.

We would like to open our building, our ears, and our hearts to our Black community. On Tuesday, June 9, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Artistic Director Patrick Torres and Executive Director Heather Strickland will be available in the lobby of Raleigh Little Theatre. We will have a video call available and will also be there to meet in person with a limited number of people to stay within state guidelines on gatherings.

This is a time for us to hear from the Black members of our community and ask what we can do for you. We invite allies in our community to join us as well as we prioritize Black voices in this space.

There is grief. There is anger. There is sadness. All brought on by too many senseless killings and generations of injustice. Racism and structural bias have been a part of our stories for too long. We all have a role to play and a position where we can act from to actively dismantle the inhumane system that has poisoned our stories, our stages, and our hearts for far too long.