Audition Information / Announcements
Auditions: The Mountaintop

Raleigh Little Theatre will be holding auditions for The Mountaintop by Katori Hall. All auditions will be submitted via video (due by April 15). The production will be directed by Phillip Bernard Smith.
Important Dates
Audition Deadline: April 15
Callbacks: April 19, if needed, in the Sutton Theatre
First cast meeting: April 26
Preview: Wednesday, June 9
Opening: Thursday, June 10
Performances: June 10 – 19 with rain dates through June 26
Strike: June 20 (or June 27 if rain dates are activated). All actors are expected to participate in the strike.
About the Show
A gripping reimagination of events the night before the assassination of the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On April 3, 1968, after delivering one of his most memorable speeches, an exhausted Dr. King retires to his room at the Lorraine Motel while a storm rages outside. When a mysterious stranger arrives with some surprising news, King is forced to confront his destiny and his legacy to his people.
About the Roles
If you need any specific accommodations to audition, please contact Artistic Director, Patrick Torres, to request what you need. Examples of accommodations made in the past are: wheelchair accessible audition space, large print materials, prompters in the audition room, volunteers to help fill out forms, and auditions by appointment.
Martin Luther King Jr. – Male – Black/African Descent, MLK at the time was 39 (actor should be able to play 35-50)
Nobel Peace Prize-winning civil rights movement leader. Awe-inspiring, charming, and powerful with a bruting intelligence and almost hidden vulnerability. A brilliant orator, impassioned preacher, and a fearless leader. MLK, though a revered leader of the civil rights movement, was still a human who was driven by his unquenchable lust for life in all of its extremes.
Camae – Female – Black/African Descent (actor should be able to play 20-30)
A young maid at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. She claims the power that she holds within her body as well as the power that she holds within her mind. She is both very human, but also very special.
About the Auditions
All general auditions will be submitted via video. Record yourself performing the monologue below that represents your role preference. Submit the final recording to by April 15, 2021 at midnight. You are welcome to submit a resume along with your video audition. And please complete the Audition Form when you submit your video.
Click here to complete the Audition Form.
When submitting your video, please also download and attach this Conflict Calendar to indicate your availability for rehearsals and performances.
If needed, callbacks will be held on April 19 in the Sutton Theatre.
For this show, actors will receive a stipend of $100.
Contact Patrick Torres at with any questions.
Raleigh Little Theatre reminds the community of the ongoing threat of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Raleigh Little Theatre strongly encourages actors and other participants to weigh the risks of exposure to Coronavirus and the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, and your local county and city health departments when considering auditioning for, performing in, or attending any production.
For more information and updates, please look over the RLT Reopening Guide here.