Raleigh Little Theatre thanks the following organizations. These organizations, and hundreds of individuals, support our mission of using theatre to enrich, educate, entertain and engage volunteers, students, and audiences of all ages.
Season Sponsors
Show Sponsors
The following organizations are supporting our productions this season:
- Raleigh Arts Commission
- United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County
- North Carolina Arts Council
- North State Bank
- Mindtracs
- PIP Printing
- Triangle Family Magazine
- WALTER Magazine
- Live It Up! Hillsborough Street
- Adobe Acrobat
- The Cardinal at North Hills
Foundation Support
Thank you to the following organizations for the gracious support of Raleigh Little Theatre
- Capital City Civitan Club
- Charles W. Gaddy and Lucy Finch Gaddy Endowment Fund
- Davidian Youth Education Endowment, a component of the NCCF
- John Rex Endowment
- John William Pope Foundation
- Mary Duke Biddle Foundation
- North Carolina Community Foundation
- State Employee Combined Campaign
- The Irene Ryan Foundation
- The Jandy Ammons Foundation
- The W. Trent Ragland Foundation
- The Warner Fund Inc.
- United Way of the Greater Triangle
Raleigh Little Theatre is supported by United Arts Wake County as well as the N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
RLT is funded in part by theĀ City of Raleigh, based on recommendations of theĀ City of Raleigh Arts Commission.
RLT is a member of the following organizations:
Interested in learning more about sponsor benefits? Contact Kiran Baucom at Kiran@nullRaleighLittleTheatre.org or 919-821-4579 x 230.