An elephant named Gerald and a pig named Piggie are the very “bestus” of friends! In this vaudevillian romp, Elephant and Piggie sing their way through a day where anything is possible. They go to a party hosted by the Squirrelles, wear silly hats, learn a new dance, and share ice cream! Their perfect day hits a snag when Gerald accidently breaks Piggie’s new toy and her feelings get hurt. Will their friendship withstand the tragedy of a broken toy? See your favorite moments from the Elephant & Piggie book series come to life in this bouncy and fun musical!
Based on the Elephant & Piggie books by Mo Willems
Published by Hyperion Books for Children
Script and Lyrics by Mo Willems
Music by Deborah Wicks La Puma
Directed by Laura Bess Jernigan
Music Directed by Katherine Anderson
Choreography by Nancy Rich
View the photos by Elly McClanahan
Gerald: Ryan Vasconcellos
Piggie: Bryn Callaghan
Madeline Ormond
Mollie Reeves
Charleigh Smith
Dog: Maggie Walas
Penguin: Jake Banasiewicz