
Adapted by Patrick Barlow
From the novel by John Buchan
From the movie by Alfred Hitchcock

Cantey V. Sutton Theatre
October 12 – 28, 2012

Follow the adventures of our handsome hero Richard Hanay, complete with stiff-upper-lip, British gung-ho and pencil moustache as he encounters dastardly murders, double-crossing secret agents, and, of course, devastatingly beautiful women. With more than 150 characters brought to life by 4 actors, this Tony award-winning play amounts to an unforgettable time of non-stop laughs and Hitchcock’s special brand of romance, intrigue, and espionage.

View the photos by Jon McClain.


Man 1: Tony Hefner
Man 2: Del Flack
Richard Hannay: Jesse R. Gephart
Annabella / Margaret / Pamela: Staci Sabarsky

Production team

Director: Haskell Fitz-Simons
Scenic & Lighting Designer: Thomas Mauney
Costume Designer: Jenny Mitchell
Technical Director: Todd Aberts
Sound Designer & Sound Engineer: Rick LaBach
Stage Manager: Elaine Petrone
Production Assistant: Jack Hall
Assistant Stage Manager: Adrienne Dyson
Audition Coordinator: Marie Berry

Production crews

Audition Crew: Marie Berry, Barbara Corbin, Adrienne Dyson, Catherine Lambe, Alyssa Petrone, Bunny Safron, and Jack Safron

Costume Shop Crew: Mardy Bell, Delora Creech, Susan Kimmel, and Vicki Olson

Deck/Props Crew: Howard Kushner , Michael Teleoglou, Ken Thomas, David Wilk

Dressing Crew: Annabelle Burdisal, Samantha Golver, Catherine Lambe, Michael Parrill, Aliana Ramos, Emily Richbourg, Sandy Rifkin, Tatyana Stemkonski, Barbara Surface, and A. Taylor

Light Crew: Barbara Corbin, Michael Gorman, Marlene Scobell

Sound Crew: Mert Dunne, Barbara Corbin, Marlene Scobell

Set Construction Crew: Ward Bowen, Noel Butzke, Dave Davis, Michael Gorman, Bill Kochuk, David Langmeyer, Connor McCauley, Donavan Swenson, Briere Ripley, Dave Wray, and Russ Owen