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Based on a Fairy Tale by Charles Perrault
Adaptation and Lyrics by Jim Eiler
Music by Jim Eiler & Jeanne Bargy

December 9 – 18, 2011
RLT Sutton Main Stage Theatre

The beautiful lass-who-lost-her-slipper makes her 28th annual appearance in hopes of finding her Prince Charming. The stepsisters are the ugliest in the land and the Fairy Godmother and her helpers, the zaniest. Combine elegant ball gowns and a magical coach ride with lively song and dance, and you have a holiday tradition the whole family can enjoy. Whether this is your first Cinderella, or 28th, you will treasure your visit to the enchanted Kingdom of King Darling III.

View the photos by Stuart Wagner.



Production team

Production crews:

Audition Crew: Marie Berry, Rocky Carr, Tamara Hopson, Shelly Kraft, Gloria Rich & Heather Shinpaugh

Costume Shop Crew: Mary Ali, Laura Bailey, Mardy Bell, Marie Berry, Barbara Biggs, Ann Haigler, Brianna and Maryann Johnson, Courtney Johnson, Susan Kimmel, Katerina Korobkina, Catherine Lambe, Judi Lloyd, KathyMauney, Patti Merz, Jenny Mitchell, Sherry Mitchell, Wayne Olson, Carol Schroeder, Tasheena Scott, Cynthia Sharpe, Tana Shehan, Debbie Sherrod, Lydia Wagner, Montana Wagner, Barney Weaver, Jean Wilkinson & Judy Wray

Costume Running Crew: Catherine Lambe (Crew Chief), Amy Allen, Anthony Artis, Crystal Covington, Caroline D’Ercole, Ann Haigler, Patti Merz, Anne Miesel & Linda Schiff

Deck Running Crew: Dan Eckert (Crew Chief), Stacy Allen, Nick D’Ercole, Cliff Hamilton, Amy Keyworth, Ellen McCauley, Jennifer O’Connor, Ellis Perry, Rob Schmid, Mary Jo Stikeleather, Stephanie Veren & David Wilk

House Managers: Keith Bugner, Tucker Bullock, Carol Friedlander, Lynn Freeman, Lilo Miles, Mike Rumble & Judi Wilkinson

Light Crew: Tommy Tallis (Crew Chief), Ward Bowen, Mia Carson, Bonnie Holder, Micheal Gorman, B Liu, Alan Osuna, Karen Spencer & Joe Wolozyn

Light Hang/Focus: Ward Bowen, Joseph Heil, Todd Houseknecht, Bill Kochuk, Barry Liu, Hong Liu & Tommy Tallis

Mouse Crew: Marie Berry (Crew Chief), Ruth Berry, & Maddy Kunkel

Props Running Crew: Jim Bates & Michael Teleoglou (Co-Crew Chiefs), Judy Jacobs-Carr, Leilani Jacobs-Carr, Kristin Cooper, John Gordon, Rhonda Strickland & Lois Voigts

Public Relation Crew: Patsy Clarke, Catherine Lambe, Carolyn Le Rue, Stuart Wagner, David Watts & Judi Wilkinson

Set Construction Crew: Noel Butzke, Ward Bowen, Mia Carson, Dave Davis, Dan Eckert, Mike Gorman, Cliff Hamilton, Todd Houseknecht, Bill Kochuk, Joseph Heil, David Langmeyer, Russ Owen, Shelby Roberson, James Roberson, Dave Sniffin, Tommy Tallis, Parke Wagner, Joe Wolozyn & Dave Wray

Sound Crew: Todd Houseknecht (Crew Chief), Becca Easley, John Maruca & Kristin Stinnet

Wig Crew: Amy Berenson, Ann Haigler & Carrie Pagano