RLT's business office and box office will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. →


Devised by dog & pony dc

May 6 – 22, 2016
Gaddy-Goodwin Teaching Theatre

Which object best tells the story of who we are today? Part-civic ceremony, part-theatrical pageant, Beertown immerses audiences in an unconventional debate around the town’s time capsule. Every performance begins with a dessert potluck; please bring a dessert to share!

Photos by Elizabeth Anderson.

View the photos on our Beertown photo albums on Flickr


Production Staff

Audition Crew: Marie Berry (Coordinator), Barbara Corbin, Adrienne Dyson, Bunny & Jack Safron, Sylvia Scholl, Heather Shinpaugh

Costume Shop Crew: Vicki Olson (Manager), Ann Boivin

House Managers: Tucker Bullock (Coordinator), Chris Acevedo, Molly Bruckman, Susan Costa, Shelley Crisp, Brita Mjos, Judi Wilkinson

Scenic Construction Crew: Thursday crew: Noel Butzke, Dave Davis, Don Gillett, Gene Harshbarger, Charles Hart, Don Miller, Jack Murray, Russ Owen; Sarah Bowman, Charlie Brady, Barbara Witherwax

Scenic Painting Crew: Jen Leiner, Miyuki Su