Written and Directed by Judy M. Dove
American Fairy Tale explores the absurd and whimsical world created by Carl Sandburg as he sought to give America its own set of fairy tales. Set in Rootabaga Country in the Village of Liver-and-Onions, the story is populated with colorful characters, and interwoven with details about Carl Sandburg’s personal life.
January 16 – March 12, 2016. Performed in area libraries.
Photos by David Watts.
View the photos on our American Fairy Tale photo albums on Flickr
- PAULA SANDBURG (Carl’s wife): Katie Killebrew
- MARGARET SANDBURG (oldest daughter): Lindsay Powell
- JANET SANDBURG (middle daughter): Amber Huntsinger
- HELGA SANDBURG (youngest daughter): Lia Gilbert
- GOAT 1 (Puppeteer): Anna Harbin
- GOAT 2 (Puppeteer): Emily Spain
- TICKET AGENT: Megan Dale
- ENGINEER: Caprial Vidal
- GIMME THE AX (a father in Rootabaga Country): David Snee
- PLEASE GIMME (a boy in Rootabaga Country): James Sinnott-Nadasky
- AX ME NO QUESTIONS (a girl in Rootabaga Country): Skysha Jones